
烟花动漫插曲叫什么 电影烟花插曲歌词及MV介绍

分类:音乐百科 作者:IP剧 时间:2023-08-14 09:28 热度:


烟花动漫插曲叫什么 电影烟花插曲歌词及MV介绍

  据悉,动画电影《烟花》插曲为《Forever friends》,该原曲出自1993年岩井俊二执导的电视短片《烟花》,而此次发布的插曲版本则是由日本著名作曲家神前晓重新编曲、日本新生代歌手DAOKO重新演唱而成,今日,动画电影《烟花》插曲《Forever friends》内地版MV也正式首发。

烟花动漫插曲叫什么 电影烟花插曲歌词及MV介绍

  歌曲《Forever friends》其实就是影片主角们的内心独白。它运用轻快而流畅的曲风,简单易懂而又朗朗上口的英文歌词贴切的描述出影片里十三四岁的初中生主人公们在青春萌芽期对友情、爱情的朦胧追求与向往。歌词中表达出成长时期,少男少女们对于陪伴、相互温暖的珍惜,对于是否应该勇敢表达和追寻爱的思考。这些不仅展现了身边年轻人经历地对于友情与爱情的困惑心态,也传达出影片《烟花》里主角们勇敢而又美好的故事经历。

烟花动漫插曲叫什么 电影烟花插曲歌词及MV介绍

  此次动画版《烟花》的原声带由日本著名作曲家神前晓负责制作。此次神前晓对《Forever friends》进行再编曲、并与歌手DAOKO联手,对歌曲进行了温暖清新的重新演绎,而获得了大众的认可。

烟花动漫插曲叫什么 电影烟花插曲歌词及MV介绍

  《烟花》插曲《Forever friends》歌词介绍

  Hold me like a friend kiss me like a friend

  Say we'll never end

  Searching for the colors of the rainbow

  Melody never say goodbye

  I'll be near you

  Hold me like a friend kiss me like a friend

  Say we'll never end

  Searching for the colors of the rainbow

  Melody never say goodbye

  I'll be near you

  Some people handle love in and never try

  I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

  Some day we'll see the world

  And through the grey have faith in our hands

  Hold me like a friend kiss me like a friend

  Say we'll never end

  Searching for the colors of the rainbow

  Melody never say goodbye

  We'll always be forever friends

  Hold me like a friend kiss me like a friend

  Say we'll never end

  Searching for the colors of the rainbow

  Melody never say goodbye

  I will believe you

  When the river flows

  Off to part us both

  Only heaven knows

  I will be a boat to sail around you

  Melody never say goodbye

  I will be near you

  Some people handle love in and never try

  I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

  One day we'll see the world

  And through the grey have faith in our hands

  Till the river ends

  《烟花》插曲《Forever friends》MV欣赏

烟花动漫插曲叫什么 电影烟花插曲歌词及MV介绍


标签: 歌词 介绍 插曲 什么 动漫 电影 烟花
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