
蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光

分类:音乐百科 作者:IP剧 时间:2023-07-03 10:02 热度:

  近日,蔡依林陈奕迅合作抗议新歌《Fight As One》,这首原创英文抗疫公益歌曲完整歌词曝光,一起来看看下文的详细内容!

  蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》:

  近日,陈奕迅和蔡依林合作的原创英文抗疫公益歌曲《Fight as ONE》(《共同体的战斗》)正式发布。疫情没有国界,病毒不分种族,携手抗击疫情,守护人类光明。

蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光

蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光



  Fight as ONE - 陈奕迅/蔡依林

  演唱Vocal:陈奕迅 Eason Chan/蔡依林 Jolin Tsai

  It's a crowded street and there's no one there

  Everyone is living in fear

  With all the playgrounds I hear no laughters

  Everyone has left in tears

  Will there be hope when we wake up tomorrow?

  If you believe that love is what we need

  Will there be light when we're done with sorrows?

  If you believe we need to fight together as one

  It's a fight we cannot lose

  It's a fight for you and me

  A fight for everyone, no matter where you're from

  It's alright we will not lose

  It's alright for you and me

蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光

蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光

  We're fighting for a better place to be

  It's really not that bad if you think about it

  For once the world has come together

  Could've been much worse, you think about it

  At least we're not fighting one another

  There must be hope when we wake up tomorrow

  When you believe that love is what we need

  There must be light when we're done with sorrows

  When you believe we need to fight together as one

蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光

蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光

  It's a fight we cannot lose

  It's a fight for you and me

  A fight for everyone, no matter where you're from

  It's alright we will not lose

  It's alright for you and me

  We're fighting for a better place to be

  It's a fight we cannot lose

  It's a fight for you and me

  Everyone, no matter where you're from

  It's alright we will not lose

  It's alright for you and me

  We're fighting for a better place to be

  We'll fight together......as ONE.

  以上就是蔡依林陈奕迅新歌《Fight As One》 完整歌词曝光的全部内容了,希望对大家有所帮助。

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